Vegetariánska kuchyňa a jedlá z rýb
Jedlá | ||
Losos s kôprovým dipom (Salmon with dill sauce) | 200g | €5,50 |
Pangasius s cesnakovou penou (Pangasius with garlic sauce) | 200g | €4,60 |
Zapekaná zelená fazuľka s bešamelom (Green beans au gratin) | 200g | €3,30 |
Brokolica Polonese (Broccoli Polonese) | 200g | €3,30 |
Vypražaná brokolica,karfiol (Breaded bell mushrooms,breaded broccoli,breaded cauliflower) | 200g | €3,30 |
Zeleninový rezeň so syrom (Vegetable steak with cheese) | 200g | €3,30 |
Vyprážaný syr (Breaded deep-fried cheese) | 150g | €3,90 |